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What is a CorridorRides vanpool?A vanpool is a carpool taken a step further. Five to 12 commuters ride together to and from work in a fully equipped passenger van. CorridorRides works in tandem with Enterprise RideShare to offer the vanpool service to the East Central Iowa Region region.
Why do you use Enterprise?More than 100,000 people use Enterprise for VanPooling. They are set up through their RideShare program to easily get VanPools on the road. They also help with any vehicle issues.
How much does it cost per month?The average VanPool fee per user is $84 per month. For a limited time, CorridorRides has provided an incentive, so you may not pay any fee or a very small fee the first two months of your VanPool. Fees do change depending on the vehicle selected and ridership.
I spend less than $70 per month in gas when driving alone. Would vanpooling really save me money?VanPooling saves more than just gas money; it also reduces wear and tear on your personal vehicle and routine maintenance, insurance and parking costs. On average, riders with CorridorRides can save $3,375 per year.
I don’t know 5 to 12 people living and working in my area who share the same hours. What can I do?We’ll match you with interested commuters who have similar travel patterns. Simply fill out the online registration at or call 800-VAN-4-WORK.
What happens if I VanPool to work and I get sick at work or if there is an emergency at home? What happens if I must leave early or stay late?Whether it’s a looming project deadline or an unforeseen emergency, the Guaranteed Ride Home program gives you the flexibility you need for a last-minute change in schedule. Call 800-VAN-4-WORK for more details.
Who drives the VanPool and where will we meet?An approved volunteer from the group drives the van. The van stays in possession of the group at all times. Once the group is formed, Enterprise works with you to find a convenient, central location for all VanPoolers to meet.
Does the VanPool go to people’s houses to pick them up?No. VanPoolers meet in a designated central location. This is where their cars will be left during the day when the van is in use. The VanPool group can arrange multiple pickup points if agreed upon by the entire group.
Who keeps the van when it is not in use?Each group decides where the van will be kept. The driver may keep the van for limited personal use.
How is maintenance handled?Enterprise covers both minor and major repairs, as well as all scheduled servicing. Enterprise will coordinate with a local vendor for van servicing. If the van needs to be kept in a shop overnight, Enterprise will provide a loaner vehicle in most instances. This includes no "out-of-pocket" money, since the shops bill Enterprise directly.
Do I have to lease or buy the vehicle?No. All VanPools are rented on a month-to-month basis for complete flexibility as ridership fluctuates.
How is road construction related to CorridorRides?The Department of Transportation and ECICOG are working to reduce the congestion on Interstate 380 during the construction period and beyond. The short-term goal is for construction, the long-term goal is cleaner air, less congestion, safer roads and an overall workforce savings.
When I search the Enterprise RideShare site, the system says there’s no vanpool match for me. What can I do?As more people are added to the vanpool database, the chances of finding a match for you will increase. From the search results page, click on “Notify Me” to receive a message if a match is made later. In the meantime, please encourage friends and coworkers to register so the system can continue to make vanpool matches. You can also form your own vanpool if you know friends or colleagues who work nearby and have the same work hours as you.
My employees are interested in setting up a vanpool but I don’t want any headaches if something goes wrong. What are my responsibilities with the vanpool program?As an employer, your involvement with the vanpool can be as minimal as you choose. Many employers limit their role to only sharing information about the vanpool with their employees, and some employers choose to have a more active role by offering vanpools as a benefit. Your employees can decide if they want to participate and contact Enterprise RideShare to get started. And because our program is run by Enterprise, employers have no legal liability in case of incidents on the road or vehicle damage. Enterprise’s insurance coverage includes Auto Liability and Uninsured Motorist. Physical Damages to the vehicle are provided for in the agreement.
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